Saturday, January 9, 2010

New Year, New Project

Hasn't been much active lately in game. Yeah, new updates came out, there's the Second Expansion (Age of Spirits) on which I am still trying to comprehend. Also, there are several projects pending, including the guide for 3rd Fairy (which obviously havent finished yet to the last part due to lack of time doing it in game).

Since I will just be casually playing the game from now on, I wouldn't probably dwell much blogging about guides, updates and stuff... This year, I've decided to focus more on the lighter side of things. Things that I enjoy doing in Perfect world, things that I love about the game.

So this new project of mine, called 2010 Perfect World Calendar, would probably focus more on themes per month, or probably something significant that happened to me in game, or just might be something that gives fun to my perfect world stay.

Above is my first offering for the year. The Month of January. Starting the New year right, I know most of us have made resolutions both Real life and In Game... No more 24/7 on cafe's to save allowance, will hunt for better equipments, will play less and chat more etc...

But what better way to enjoy the first month of 2010 than to spend it reconnecting with friends. Hence, the picture depicts characters and personalities I have been missing. Some of them already left the game, inactive or just logs in from time to time to chat.

Our online gaming experience wouldn't be complete if we don't have friends to share it with, and probably a few enemies on the side. Most of the time, these friendships that were made in game, translates to a stronger bond in real life. We might not be seeing each other in game anymore, but I know, that we will always be there for each other, no matter what.